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Version: v1.28.x

Information Roadmap for Zowe Explorer

Information Roadmap for Zowe Explorer

This roadmap outlines the information resources that are applicable to the users who are interested in Zowe Explorer. These resources provide information about various subject areas, such as learning basic skills, installation, developing, and troubleshooting for Zowe Zowe Explorer.

The following definition of skill levels about Zowe Explorer helps you find the most relevant resources:

  • Beginner: You're starting out and want to learn the fundamentals.
  • Intermediate: You have some experience but want to learn more in-depth skills.
  • Advanced: You have lots of experience and are looking to learn about specialized topics.


Zowe skill level: Beginner

Installing and configuring

Zowe skill level: Beginner

Using Zowe Explorer

Zowe skill level: Intermediate

  • Using Zowe Explorer

    This page includes usage tips and sample use cases for data sets, USS files, JOBs, and TSO commands. Familiarize yourself with the extension and make the best use of available options and features.

Extending Zowe Explorer

Zowe skill level: Advanced

  • Extend Zowe Explorer

    This page describes how to create an extension for Zowe Explorer to introduce more functionalities.

  • Zowe Explorer FTP Extension

    This document in Zowe Explorer repository describes how to install and use the FTP extension, which adds the FTP protocol to the Zowe Explorer VS Code extension, allowing you to use z/OS FTP Plug-in for Zowe CLI profiles to connect and interact with z/OS USS.

  • Zowe Explorer repository

    The GitHub repository of contains the source code of Zowe Explorer and other Zowe Explorer-related extensions. Check out the landing page README in the repository to find out how to contribute to the extension.

  • Developing for Eclipse Theia

    This article contains information on how to develop for Eclipse Theia.

Contributing to Zowe Explorer

Zowe skill level: Advanced

  • Contributing guidelines

    This document is intended to be a living summary of conventions & best practices for development of the Visual Studio Code Extension for Zowe.

  • Conformance Program

    This topic introduces the Zowe Conformance Program. Conformance provides Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), System Integrators (SIs), and end users greater confidence that their software will behave as expected. As vendors, you are invited to submit conformance testing results for review and approval by the Open Mainframe Project. If your company provides software based on Zowe CLI, you are encouraged to get certified today.

  • Blog: Zowe Conformance Program Explained

    This Medium article provide more details about the Conformance Program, including useful references.

Troubleshooting and support

  • Troubleshooting Zowe Explorer

    Learn about the tools and techniques that are available to help you troubleshoot and resolve problems. You can also find the list of Zowe Explorer issues.

  • Submit an issue

    If you have an issue that is specific to Zowe Explorer, you can submit an issue against the vscode-extension-for-zowe repository.

Community resources